November 22, Friday I'm thankful for our mattress. Is that silly?? When we got married we used Kain's mattress which was a hand-me-down from his parents. It was old, it was broken down, it was a pain-inducing-sleep-wrecking nightmare of a mattress. We decided to replace it earlier this year, we saved, we waited for a sale, and then we bought a new fancy mattress. And I love it. I'm thankful for restful sleep and waking up without an aching back!
November 23, Saturday I'm thankful for social media. I'm totally guilty of over-using social media. Facebook on date night? Been there, tweeted that. But I am thankful for the connection to friends and family, the articles I would never read, the music I would never discover, and the photos I would never see.
November 24, Sunday I'm thankful for laughter. I can't imagine life without laughter. I can't imagine being serious all the time. I am thankful that God made us to find humor in things. I'm thankful for every chuckle, guffaw, snort, and moment I've spent laughing so hard that I'm not actually making any sound.
November 25, Monday I'm thankful for education. My mom is a school principal. She was a teacher before that. Education was important in my family. School was serious business. I'm thankful for the sacrifices that my parents made to send me (and my siblings) to private school. I'm thankful for the sacrifices that my husband made (four jobs!!) to support our family while I was in nursing school. I'm thankful for the opportunities that education provides. I hope to instill an appreciation for education into the lives and hearts of our future children.
November 26, Tuesday I'm thankful for my vices; coffee and chocolate. I mean, is there anything more to be said?? Hot coffee. Milky chocolate. I think I need to go get some right now....
Ok I'm back
November 27, Wednesday I'm thankful for an anonymous friend. In the mail today, I received a sweet letter that accompanied a cash donation toward our adoption fund. No return address, no signature, no indication of where this gift originated. But I'm thankful, so thankful, to feel that people are behind us. It's not that the gift was money, it's that it was support. It was prayers for our future, it was knowing that we have a community of kindness and generosity to bring our child into.
November 28, Thursday I'm thankful for my newest niece. Her name is Gianna Belle. She is teeny and tiny, and on this day I got to hold her for the first time. I smelled her week-old baby smell. I whispered that I love her. I refused to share her with anyone else. I'm so thankful for babies and the hope and joy that they bring wherever they are.
November 29, Friday I'm thankful for creative outlets. Crocheting, doodling, baking, crafting, blogging, piano playing, singing... I have creative outlets. I'm no pro at any of them, but they give me the release that my very serious, very rigid, very left-brained job hardly ever does. I'm thankful for the gift it is to be creative.
November 30, Saturday I'm thankful, most of all, more than anything else, for Jesus. He is my everything. He is my Rock and Redeemer. He is my Savior and my Shepherd. He is my King, my Father, my Deepest Love. He came to earth as a man, lived a perfect life, and died on a cross for ME (and for YOU!!). He chose me, adopted me, made me an heir. I believe that He is the only way to be saved. I believe that He is the only truth. I believe that He is the giver of life. And I believe that I will spend eternity with Him. He is my hope, my joy, my peace, my strength. He is my judge, my high priest, the one who sets me straight. He knows my future, he knows the number of hairs on my head, he knows the deepest longings of my heart.
I could write about how much I love Jesus all day. He is the best part about me. He is the only thing worth living for. And if you don't understand this, if you aren't on board - let me share with you the good news that I've found. Not because I think I'm superior (I'm not), not because I think that I know so much more than you (I don't), but because I love you and I want to share with you that which fills me so much.
So that's it. My 30 days of thankful.
I'm thankful for this little project, and all of the reminders of the countless ways I've been blessed.
What about you? What topped your 30 day list? What are you thankful for right now?