
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Project Thankful {4}

I'm writing about what I'm thankful for all month! Catch up here, here, and here

November 22, Friday  I'm thankful for our mattress.  Is that silly?? When we got married we used Kain's mattress which was a hand-me-down from his parents.  It was old, it was broken down, it was a pain-inducing-sleep-wrecking nightmare of a mattress.  We decided to replace it earlier this year, we saved, we waited for a sale, and then we bought a new fancy mattress.  And I love it.  I'm thankful for restful sleep and waking up without an aching back!

November 23, Saturday  I'm thankful for social media.  I'm totally guilty of over-using social media.  Facebook on date night?  Been there, tweeted that.  But I am thankful for the connection to friends and family, the articles I would never read, the music I would never discover, and the photos I would never see.  

November 24, Sunday  I'm thankful for laughter.  I can't imagine life without laughter.  I can't imagine being serious all the time.  I am thankful that God made us to find humor in things. I'm thankful for every chuckle, guffaw, snort, and moment I've spent laughing so hard that I'm not actually making any sound.

November 25, Monday  I'm thankful for education.  My mom is a school principal.  She was a teacher before that.  Education was important in my family.  School was serious business.  I'm thankful for the sacrifices that my parents made to send me (and my siblings) to private school.  I'm thankful for the sacrifices that my husband made (four jobs!!) to support our family while I was in nursing school.  I'm thankful for the opportunities that education provides.  I hope to instill an appreciation for education into the lives and hearts of our future children.

November 26, Tuesday  I'm thankful for my vices; coffee and chocolate.  I mean, is there anything more to be said?? Hot coffee.  Milky chocolate.  I think I need to go get some right now....

Ok I'm back

November 27, Wednesday   I'm thankful for an anonymous friend.  In the mail today, I received a sweet letter that accompanied a cash donation toward our adoption fund.  No return address,  no signature, no indication of where this gift originated.  But I'm thankful, so thankful, to feel that people are behind us.  It's not that the gift was money, it's that it was support.  It was prayers for our future, it was knowing that we have a community of kindness and generosity to bring our child into.

November 28, Thursday  I'm thankful for my newest niece.  Her name is Gianna Belle.  She is teeny and tiny, and on this day I got to hold her for the first time.  I smelled her week-old baby smell.  I whispered that I love her.  I refused to share her with anyone else.  I'm so thankful for babies and the hope and joy that they bring wherever they are.

November 29, Friday I'm thankful for creative outlets.  Crocheting, doodling, baking, crafting, blogging, piano playing, singing... I have creative outlets.  I'm no pro at any of them, but they give me the release that my very serious, very rigid, very left-brained job hardly ever does.  I'm thankful for the gift it is to be creative.

November 30, Saturday  I'm thankful, most of all, more than anything else, for Jesus.  He is my everything.  He is my Rock and Redeemer.  He is my Savior and my Shepherd.  He is my King, my Father, my Deepest Love.  He came to earth as a man, lived a perfect life, and died on a cross for ME (and for YOU!!).  He chose me, adopted me, made me an heir.  I believe that He is the only way to be saved.  I believe that He is the only truth.  I believe that He is the giver of life.  And I believe that I will spend eternity with Him.  He is my hope, my joy, my peace, my strength.  He is my judge, my high priest, the one who sets me straight.  He knows my future, he knows the number of hairs on my head, he knows the deepest longings of my heart.  
I could write about how much I love Jesus all day.  He is the best part about me.  He is the only thing worth living for.  And if you don't understand this, if you aren't on board - let me share with you the good news that I've found.  Not because I think I'm superior (I'm not), not because I think that I know so much more than you (I don't), but because I love you and I want to share with you that which fills me so much.

So that's it.  My 30 days of thankful.
I'm thankful for this little project, and all of the reminders of the countless ways I've been blessed.

What about you?  What topped your 30 day list?  What are you thankful for right now? 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Learn What I Learned: Quad City Moms Blog

Quad City Moms Blog is a fun site I stumbled upon.  Here what Camye has to say about herself here

As an adoptive mom (to-be) it's easy to forget that you aren't the only involved party in this process.  It's easy to get caught up in your own waiting, longing, wishing, and dreaming.  It's easy to forget about the loss and pain, the woman who will miss that baby every day.  It's easy to be totally one-sided.

Read this story.  Remember the other side.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Project Thankful {3}

Find out what else I'm thankful for here and here

November 15, Friday:  I'm thankful for holiday spirit.  Call me crazy (I'm sure some of you will) but I'm so excited for Christmas.  More than I have been in a long time.  I am not typically the one singing carols and decking the halls in November.  I'm usually strict about the "Day After Thanksgiving" rule.  But having a Christmas gathering on November 2 jump-started my festive mood.  I love Christmas, and I'm thankful for the opportunity and freedom to celebrate for the next few weeks!

November 16, Saturday:  I'm thankful for restful weekend mornings.  I love waking up a little later, drinking a hot cup of caffeinated goodness, catching up on some DVR, going on a brisk walk with the dog.  I'm thankful to have a break in the busyness.  I'm thankful for opportunities to be still.

November 17, Sunday:  I'm thankful for our church.  We love the families we serve and the families we serve alongside.  We are so blessed to be part of a church that loves Jesus, loves the Bible, loves people, loves growth and change, loves accountability and responsibility, loves grace, loves forgiveness, loves unity.  We are not a perfect church, and we don't pretend to be, but no one would doubt that we are full of love.

November 18, Monday:  I'm thankful for great mentors at work.  I'm a relatively new nurse and I still spend a majority of each day questioning everything I think I know.  I am so fortunate to be surrounded by seasoned, knowledgeable, and kind nurses who have walked where I am walking and are happy to offer advice, support, and some extra muscle. I have much to learn, and I'm happy to learn from them.

November 19, Tuesday:  I'm thankful to have received a welcome packet from our adoption agency today.  I'm thankful that we are approved.  I'm thankful that we can move forward.  I'm thankful that we are on a path heading toward bringing a baby home.  I'm just so thankful today.  So thankful that our dream of being parents is becoming more and more real.

November 20, Wednesday:  I'm thankful for my husband.  On this day in 2009, Kain got down on one knee and asked me to let him take care of me for the rest of my life.  We were naive about the challenges of marriage, about how hard it can be to offer unconditional unending love to an imperfect person.  We still get it wrong as much as we get it right.  But I'm thankful for him and his warm heart.  I'm thankful for his intelligence, his generosity, his sense of humor, his amazing coffee-making skills, and his willingness to stick by me when things aren't pretty.  Saying yes to this guy was definitely the right decision.

November 21, Thursday:   I'm thankful for the unbelievable outpouring of support we have received since announcing our approval on Tuesday.  We have been overwhelmed with the love of our family, our friends, and our friend's friends.  I can't say thank you enough for how encouraging it is to know that people are behind us, that people are excited for us, that people think what we're doing is good.  So thank you!! Thank *you* for reading this, and for thinking of us, and for being a part of this story.  I'm thankful for you!

What are you thankful for these days?  I'd love to hear about it!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Last week we sent off our application and a small application fee to our adoption agency.

It was so exciting to feel like we were taking a concrete step forward.  It felt like progress.

And then ... Yesterday ...

We got this!!!

We have been accepted by our agency.  Approved to adopt.

Such a surreal moment, so encouraging and totally motivating.

And terrifying.

We need  an initial installment of $3500 by December (other fees will be due later in the process) to attend the orientation meeting and be part of the December 5 start group.

Otherwise we have to wait until March 11.  
(Our agency accepts new applications four times a year, read more about that here)

We don't want to wait.

It seems overwhelming.  And it seems impossible.

Fortunately I know that we serve a God who is bigger than fees.  Bigger than my own doubts and insecurities.

So will you join me in praying that He would provide the money?   We believe that He can, we trust that He will.  And we know that on the other side, when people ask how we overcame this seemingly insurmountable feat we will have an answer - our God provides.

Thanks for walking with us through this process; I'm so thrilled to share this special day with you!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Here is a (mostly complete) list of the things we have done in the last 5 days

Submitted our application to our adoption agency

Heard back that we should expect our "Welcome Packet" either today or tomorrow

Contacted a bank to apply for a mortgage so we can buy a permanent and more baby-friendly family home

Spent hours preparing a profit-loss statement for Kain's business (since we don't have a 2013 tax return yet) to submit along with tax returns, W-2's, and pay stubs for aforementioned mortgage

Had a (second) family Christmas/reunion/surprise 60th anniversary party with Kain's family

Went to a baby shower for a dear friend 
(This one was just me, no boys allowed!!)

Started working with the students in our church on a Christmas program

Met with my family for some family planning 
(uh, not birth control - more like "What should we do about this?" "What's our plan for that?" )

Started our Christmas shopping

Went out to lunch with our friends and their sweet baby girl

Watched a cheesy Hallmark Channel Christmas movie

Sold Kain's car

Drove approximately 375 miles


Here are the things we have NOT done in the last 5 days:

Cleaned the house

Put away any laundry

Cooked a single meal

Stared lovingly into each other's eyes

Written any blog posts

I guess what I'm trying to say is -- I'm trying to keep up with everything, and just haven't had time this week to sit and think and write.  Especially since I'm living off fast food and granola bars.

Busyness is a curse of this life, and trying to do/have/see/be it all.  

I pretty much hate it.

I'll be back with something more relevant soon.  Till then -- what's keeping you busy these days??

Friday, November 15, 2013

Dear Baby

Catch up on what Dear Baby is all about here


Dear Baby,

It snowed this week!!  Will you love snow?  I loved to play in the snow when I was little.  I can remember your grandma building snowmen with me, and making maple snow.  I hope we make sweet snow memories like that.

We filled out the application for our adoption agency this week.  One step closer to being with you!  

We're also looking for a new home, one with a little more space for you and all of your stuff.  It's awesome to think that we are looking for the home where we will bring home our first baby.  It makes the process so special.  As I look at these houses I picture you.  I see you coming home, having tummy time, learning to walk, having birthdays, playing with Ranger.  I can't wait!! 

I'm praying for and about you constantly.  Just waiting and waiting and waiting.  It's so hard to not know when we'll be together.  It's so hard to wait.  But, there's no other way.  So wait I will.

I bought you a little something this week too.  You can't have it today, but someday it will be yours.  Can't wait.  Can't wait can't wait.

Do you know that I love you already?  Know it.  It's so true.  I am so crazy about you.

Someday soon, sweet babe you will be here.  And I will tell you every day that I love you and am glad that I'm your mom.  I will tell you that you are the answer to my prayers, a dream come true.  When you're here I'll hold you as much as you'll let me.  I'll do everything I can to make you feel safe and loved and wanted.  Because you are, baby.  You are.

Till we meet face to face....

Always yours,



Have your own Dear Baby letter you'd like to share?  Let me know, we'll link it up.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Project Thankful {2}

Catch up on week one here

November 8, Friday:  I'm thankful for God's amazing grace.  I unashamedly claim to be a Christian.  As such, I believe that we are all fallen sinners, condemned to an eternity of suffering.  By grace, God sent His son, Jesus, to earth to live a sinless life and die a bloody death on a cross as the perfect sacrifice, becoming the atonement for our sins.  Through belief in Him as Savior, we can be saved and look forward to an eternity in Heaven with Him.
My relationship with Christ is the most important part of my life.  It is the foundation of my identity.  It is my hope, my peace, my rest.  I fall short of my calling to follow Him every day.  Every day I choose to live for myself instead of for God.  But He calls me back each and every time.  He extends His amazing grace time after time.  I would be hopeless without grace and I am absolutely beyond thankful for it's place in my life.

November 9, Saturday:  I'm thankful for my work friends.  RN's share a special bond.  We have to always have each other's backs.  We have to have an ear ready for calls for help or quick vent sessions.  We have to be ready and willing to get elbow deep in the most disgusting things you can imagine for each other.  We have to be good cooks, because without potluck Saturdays we would have nothing to fuel our exhausted bodies.  My coworkers are wonderful and I am thankful for each of them.

November 10, Sunday:  I am thankful for veterans.  Tomorrow is Veteran's Day.  I can't even imagine the life that these people lead.  I'm so grateful for their sacrifices and their families who support them every step of the way.  To my friends and family who are veterans - a million thanks.

November 11, Monday:  I'm thankful for my mom.  I unexpectedly ended up in her office today (she's a school principal - ending up in her office is some kid's worst nightmare!!) and she was so happy to see me.  It made me feel important.  In typical mom-fashion, she pretty much immediately started feeding me and asking me important questions like "where did you get those shoes?".  She's always worked hard, she's full of one-liners and wit, she's a great cook, and she loves me.  What more could I ask for?

November 12, Tuesday:  I'm thankful for my nieces and nephews.  All 12 of them!! They range in age from 3 to 20 and are each completely unique and absolutely dear.  Three nieces, 9 nephews.  12 personalities.  20 years of rocking babies and funny stories and hugs and kisses and adorable outfits.  I love these kids.  I cannot wait to see all the different directions their lives take them.  And I'm so grateful that my children will have such wonderful, generous, smart, funny, kind cousins.

November 13, Wednesday:  I'm thankful for my Ranger dog.  He's so cute and sweet and furry.  I never wanted a dog.  I was bitten on the face by a dog when I was 10.  I never thought I would let a dog back into my life, especially not into my house!  But I love my husband and couldn't deprive his dog-loving self any more.  For his birthday this summer I completely surprised him with a trip to a breeder's home to pick out his very own puppy.  And so, we became a family with a dog.  Today is Ranger's five month birthday :) I'm thankful for him and the laughter and joy he brings to our little home.

{Riding in the car on the way to family Christmas on 11/2.  Ranger LOVES the car}

November 14, Thursday:  I'm thankful for our cozy home.  I complain about our little apartment a lot.  It's small and doesn't always function the way I wish it did.  But it's safe, and warm, and we've lived lots of life here.  I'm thankful for the blessing it is to have a home; something that not everyone can say they have.  I need to quit whining and be grateful.  So I am.

How about you?  What's topping your thankful list today?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect ... Right??

Had a little child rearing practice this morning.

My favorite kind.

I spent a few hours wrangling two of my nephews. 

Asher and Jones.

6 and 3. 

Different and the same.

Hilarious and smart and sassy and awesome.

I love them!

We talked about snow, tried on Halloween costumes, petted the dog, made rubber band bracelets, and had a wonderful little visit while their mom and dad were at breakfast.

Did I mention I love them?

{All photos were blatantly stolen from my brother and sister-in-law's Facebook albums} 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Learn What I Learned: FaithIt

FaithIt is an online community sharing inspiring and encouraging content on the internet.  Read their story here

A few days ago, a video from FaithIt popped up on my Facebook feed.  The title was intriguing and I had a few minutes to spare so I settled in and clicked play.  Minutes later I was richly encouraged and in desperate need of a tissue. 

{I cry.  I'm a crier}

Be inspired, friends.  Be challenged.  Find hope.  This couple tells a touching story of how their lives were rocked by adoption.  

I was especially moved by the theme in their story that there is hope (and success) after a failed adoption.  Living through that part can be rough.

Here's the video:

Tell me what you think!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Dear Baby...

See what Dear Baby is all about here


Dear Baby,

Good morning sweet one!  I wish I knew what you were doing today.  Are you growing in a belly somewhere?  Are you being loved on by a foster family?  Are you genetic material waiting to create life? 
{uh -- I'll explain that one to you later.  Much later.}

Last night Aunt Megan and I were at a store and I found myself (as usual) in the baby section,  picking out clothes that I would buy for you if you were here.  I got a little teary, baby, while I was looking through those teeny tiny clothes.  My heart is longing for you to be here.  I am weary in the waiting.  I've dreamed of you for so long and it some days it feels like you will never be a reality.  

I want you to know, though, that I won't stop working.  And fighting.  And moving forward.  FOR YOU.  Ever.  And when you are here, I will still fight for you.  I will defend you.  I will protect you.  I will help you grow.  I will teach you and feed you and love you every minute of every day.  You are so wanted, baby.  You are already so loved.

Today I'm calling our agency to set up a meeting and take another step forward.  I can feel the momentum building, I can feel you getting closer.  And I'm so grateful.

Hopefully it's not too much longer.

Till then, my darling babe, rest and grow.



Have your own Dear Baby letter you'd like to share?  Let me know and we can start a Linky Party.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Project Thankful {1}

30 Days of Thankfulness has taken over my Facebook feed.  I love it! 30 days of people taking a moment to remember to be grateful.  I thought it would be nice to put something similar on this blog.  

My life is richly blessed.  We're not rolling in piles of cash, we haven't achieved every dream, we still long deeply for things we don't have.

But we are blessed.

We are loved by the Creator of the world, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace. 

We have each other, for better or worse.

We have a roof over our heads and food in our pantry.  We have a pantry!

We are richly blessed.

That being said:

November 1, Friday: I'm thankful for my job.  Stressful, exhausting, frustrating.  Yet, an opportunity to serve people in their hour of vulnerability.  An opportunity to actually make a positive change in people's lives.  An opportunity to provide for my family.
{note to self: remember this when you are having a rough day}

November 2, Saturday:  I'm thankful Kain's sweet family.  We celebrated our first Christmas of 2013 on this day.  Gathering together before Kain's grandparents head to Florida for the winter (sunshine envy, hello!!).  Aunts, uncles, cousins, four generations in one house.  With three dogs.  And five kinds of dessert.  It was a grand day!

November 3, Sunday:  I'm thankful for my grandma.  She passed away on November 3 in 1999.  She was such a fabulous grandma.  She lived with my family for 20 years, helping my parents cook, clean, and care for their four children.  I wish I had learned more from her, made more of our time together.  I'm thankful for the memories, and the recipes, and the genetic connection.  Love you grandma.  And miss you madly.

November 4, Monday:  I'm thankful for surprise days off.  I was supposed to work this day, but got the magical call at 5:00 am that due to low census on my floor, I was being called off.  I used the time to do all kinds of fabulous things I never have time for on my scheduled days off.  Like putting away the laundry.

November 5, Tuesday:  I'm thankful for my quiet drive home.  We live about 40 minutes away from the hospital.  My 40 minutes in the evening gives me the chance to disentangle my mind from the hectic flurry of activity that was my last 12.5 hours.  Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes I revel in the silence.  Sometimes I talk to Kain on the phone, sometimes I revel in the silence.  Sometimes I replay the events of the day over and over, sometimes I just revel in the silence.  

November 6, Wednesday:  I'm thankful for my Community Group.  I look forward to gathering with my friends every week, sharing a good meal, laughing and crying together.  We support each other, challenge each other, lift each other up in prayer.  We talk throughout the week, we walk through each other's highs and lows, we live life together.  We babysit for each other, hang out on the weekends, and call each other out when we need it.  I'm so thankful for these souls that reach into my life and allow me to reach into theirs. (And allow me to snuggle their sweet babies!!)

November 7, Thursday:  I'm thankful for my sisters.  Nancy, my sister by blood, and Megan, my sister by marriage.  They are so wonderful.  They are my shoulder's to cry on, the absorbers of my vent sessions, and the best girls to laugh-until-you-can't-breathe with.   They're some of my biggest cheerleaders and are stuck being my best friends for life.  I love you, girls.  

So that's it for this first week.  

What are you thankful for?? I'd love to hear all about it

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Choosing an Agency

I've been thinking about adoption agencies for years.  

I've sought input from friends.

Googled my eyeballs out.

And prayed for wisdom.

Here is a list of 5 things that Kain and I considered while choosing an agency to walk with us through the biggest adventure of our lives.  There are other factors.  So many others.  But here are just a few that were important to us. 

Full Service
Adoption is complex.  Home studies, court dates, education, counselling, escrow accounts.... Eek!! We recommend choosing an agency that can handle it all.  The last thing you will need during this already stressful time is trying to manage multiple agencies, contacts, fee schedules, etc.  

Open or Confidential Adoptions
Ok here's the thing.  There are a lot of misnomers about what open adoption means and what closed adoption means.  Before you announce what you want for your family, make sure you do some research.  And we would suggest selecting an agency that leaves that decision up to you.  We seriously considered using a different agency until we found out that they insisted on open adoptions.  Not only does that make us feel like we don't get a say in our future, but it also isolates birth mothers who may not want an open adoption.  

As for where we stand on this issue, the truth is - we're flexible.  We want to make that choice when we are matched with a birth mother and can discuss with her what will work out for both of our families. 

Agency Fees
We all know that adoption is expensive.  
{Please don't let that be a barrier for you -- here's a fabulous resource for overcoming the financial burden.}  Be diligent in understanding your agency's fees.  What all is included, what is not?  When are fees due?  Is your agency non-profit?  Overall fees being lower ($3000 lower than our second choice) was a big factor for us in making a final decision.  We definitely want to be responsible with our resources.  

Number of Placements/Number of Waiting Families
This one is so important.  It's not a guarantee of how long you will be waiting, but if your agency places 20 babies a year and has 75 waiting families -- well, you do the math.  Our agency does 50-60 placements a year, and has 50-60 waiting families.  They also accept new families only four times a year so that families are at different stages in the process all year long. 

Proximity to your home
This may or not be important to you., but to us it made sense to choose an agency only a few miles down the highway from our home.  We seriously considered another agency that is located 90 miles away.  Maybe that will be an issue and maybe it won't, but if (for example) your agency requires education hours to be spent at their office it's at least something to consider.


So there you have it, our (non-exclusive) list of 5 important things to consider when selecting your agency.  

Think I've left something important off of the list?  Be sure to let me know!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Learn What I Learned: Julie Gumm

Julie Gumm is amazing.  She doesn't know me, and likely has no clue I'm saying that about her, but it's true.  She is.  

She has a great adoption story.  You can read about it here.

I met Julie at the Together for Adoption Conference last month.  Kain and I went to her breakout session based on her book, Adopt Without Debt - which you 100% should read if you are even maybe-potentially-sort-of-kind-of considering adoption.  In fact, the electronic version is on sale today!! Buy it! You need it!! 

November is National Adoption Month.  What a blessing to celebrate something so dear to so many hearts.  
In honor of National Adoption Month, Julie is blogging every day about something she has has learned about adoption.

Today's post has the subtitle "People Will Think You're Crazy"

If you are just starting in your adoption journey, trust me -as you share your desire to adopt you'll get a range of reactions.  Some great, some heartless, some flat out ridiculous.  Read Julie's post on her blog today and learn what I learned.  She makes a great point about being gracious to other people's reactions.  

On the topic of crazy reactions, here's one of my craziest:

A few months ago I was sharing at work with a coworker about the stress of adoption, specifically the financial burden.  A doctor was sitting close by and quietly listening to our conversation.  He interjected to ask if adoption was for real - if people actually parented other people's children.  He was totally serious.  I bit my tongue to stop from asking "Do you live under a rock??"  and instead took the opportunity to explain the beauty of adoption to him.  Hopefully his (apparent) first exposure to the concept of adoption was shaped in a positive way.  

So tell me, friend -- what's the craziest reaction (positive or negative) that you've gotten regarding adoption? 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Dear Baby...

When I first met "C" and thought that we were heading toward parenthood (read about that story here) I started a journal.  Every entry was a letter to our baby.  After that adoption fell through, I continued writing these letters.  We don't know who our baby is yet, but someday I want to share with him or her all of their story.  Their story started with "C" and that baby we never knew.  That is what gave us the kick-start we needed to get our adoption ball rolling.

So I thought I would start a weekly Dear Baby post.  A letter to my child, whoever and wherever he or she may be.  An honest look at my heart, and a record for them of how I'm feeling right now today.  


Dear Baby,

Hi.  I miss you.  I don't even know you, but I miss you so much.  I'm thinking of you and praying for you every day.  I daydream about what you will look like and how you will enter our lives.  On this past Sunday, your dad and I sat in church with your cousins Sophie, Henry, and Asher, and a friend of theirs, Mia.  Daddy, me, and four little faces.  It was a glimpse of what could be.  It was renewed hope and motivation. 

I pray that you'll be here with us someday soon.  I pray that you'll know love, and joy, and comfort.  I pray that you will know how much we wanted you.  I hope you never feel unwanted.  We want you.  We long for you.  We will work hard to get you here.  We will fight for you. 

Wherever you are, baby, I love you.  You already have a place in my heart.  You already have an identity as my child, even if you aren't here yet.  I can't wait to hold you, kiss your baby cheeks, and whisper in your ear that I love every morsel of you.  I can't wait to introduce you to your family.  I can't wait to cuddle up as a family on Saturday mornings and revel in the peace of being together.  I can't wait to read you stories and tell you about Jesus.  I can't wait to hear you laugh.  

You are so special, baby.  You are ever so special.




Have your own Dear Baby letter you'd like to share?  Let me know and we can start a Linky Party.