
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Project Thankful {3}

Find out what else I'm thankful for here and here

November 15, Friday:  I'm thankful for holiday spirit.  Call me crazy (I'm sure some of you will) but I'm so excited for Christmas.  More than I have been in a long time.  I am not typically the one singing carols and decking the halls in November.  I'm usually strict about the "Day After Thanksgiving" rule.  But having a Christmas gathering on November 2 jump-started my festive mood.  I love Christmas, and I'm thankful for the opportunity and freedom to celebrate for the next few weeks!

November 16, Saturday:  I'm thankful for restful weekend mornings.  I love waking up a little later, drinking a hot cup of caffeinated goodness, catching up on some DVR, going on a brisk walk with the dog.  I'm thankful to have a break in the busyness.  I'm thankful for opportunities to be still.

November 17, Sunday:  I'm thankful for our church.  We love the families we serve and the families we serve alongside.  We are so blessed to be part of a church that loves Jesus, loves the Bible, loves people, loves growth and change, loves accountability and responsibility, loves grace, loves forgiveness, loves unity.  We are not a perfect church, and we don't pretend to be, but no one would doubt that we are full of love.

November 18, Monday:  I'm thankful for great mentors at work.  I'm a relatively new nurse and I still spend a majority of each day questioning everything I think I know.  I am so fortunate to be surrounded by seasoned, knowledgeable, and kind nurses who have walked where I am walking and are happy to offer advice, support, and some extra muscle. I have much to learn, and I'm happy to learn from them.

November 19, Tuesday:  I'm thankful to have received a welcome packet from our adoption agency today.  I'm thankful that we are approved.  I'm thankful that we can move forward.  I'm thankful that we are on a path heading toward bringing a baby home.  I'm just so thankful today.  So thankful that our dream of being parents is becoming more and more real.

November 20, Wednesday:  I'm thankful for my husband.  On this day in 2009, Kain got down on one knee and asked me to let him take care of me for the rest of my life.  We were naive about the challenges of marriage, about how hard it can be to offer unconditional unending love to an imperfect person.  We still get it wrong as much as we get it right.  But I'm thankful for him and his warm heart.  I'm thankful for his intelligence, his generosity, his sense of humor, his amazing coffee-making skills, and his willingness to stick by me when things aren't pretty.  Saying yes to this guy was definitely the right decision.

November 21, Thursday:   I'm thankful for the unbelievable outpouring of support we have received since announcing our approval on Tuesday.  We have been overwhelmed with the love of our family, our friends, and our friend's friends.  I can't say thank you enough for how encouraging it is to know that people are behind us, that people are excited for us, that people think what we're doing is good.  So thank you!! Thank *you* for reading this, and for thinking of us, and for being a part of this story.  I'm thankful for you!

What are you thankful for these days?  I'd love to hear about it!

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