
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Project Thankful {2}

Catch up on week one here

November 8, Friday:  I'm thankful for God's amazing grace.  I unashamedly claim to be a Christian.  As such, I believe that we are all fallen sinners, condemned to an eternity of suffering.  By grace, God sent His son, Jesus, to earth to live a sinless life and die a bloody death on a cross as the perfect sacrifice, becoming the atonement for our sins.  Through belief in Him as Savior, we can be saved and look forward to an eternity in Heaven with Him.
My relationship with Christ is the most important part of my life.  It is the foundation of my identity.  It is my hope, my peace, my rest.  I fall short of my calling to follow Him every day.  Every day I choose to live for myself instead of for God.  But He calls me back each and every time.  He extends His amazing grace time after time.  I would be hopeless without grace and I am absolutely beyond thankful for it's place in my life.

November 9, Saturday:  I'm thankful for my work friends.  RN's share a special bond.  We have to always have each other's backs.  We have to have an ear ready for calls for help or quick vent sessions.  We have to be ready and willing to get elbow deep in the most disgusting things you can imagine for each other.  We have to be good cooks, because without potluck Saturdays we would have nothing to fuel our exhausted bodies.  My coworkers are wonderful and I am thankful for each of them.

November 10, Sunday:  I am thankful for veterans.  Tomorrow is Veteran's Day.  I can't even imagine the life that these people lead.  I'm so grateful for their sacrifices and their families who support them every step of the way.  To my friends and family who are veterans - a million thanks.

November 11, Monday:  I'm thankful for my mom.  I unexpectedly ended up in her office today (she's a school principal - ending up in her office is some kid's worst nightmare!!) and she was so happy to see me.  It made me feel important.  In typical mom-fashion, she pretty much immediately started feeding me and asking me important questions like "where did you get those shoes?".  She's always worked hard, she's full of one-liners and wit, she's a great cook, and she loves me.  What more could I ask for?

November 12, Tuesday:  I'm thankful for my nieces and nephews.  All 12 of them!! They range in age from 3 to 20 and are each completely unique and absolutely dear.  Three nieces, 9 nephews.  12 personalities.  20 years of rocking babies and funny stories and hugs and kisses and adorable outfits.  I love these kids.  I cannot wait to see all the different directions their lives take them.  And I'm so grateful that my children will have such wonderful, generous, smart, funny, kind cousins.

November 13, Wednesday:  I'm thankful for my Ranger dog.  He's so cute and sweet and furry.  I never wanted a dog.  I was bitten on the face by a dog when I was 10.  I never thought I would let a dog back into my life, especially not into my house!  But I love my husband and couldn't deprive his dog-loving self any more.  For his birthday this summer I completely surprised him with a trip to a breeder's home to pick out his very own puppy.  And so, we became a family with a dog.  Today is Ranger's five month birthday :) I'm thankful for him and the laughter and joy he brings to our little home.

{Riding in the car on the way to family Christmas on 11/2.  Ranger LOVES the car}

November 14, Thursday:  I'm thankful for our cozy home.  I complain about our little apartment a lot.  It's small and doesn't always function the way I wish it did.  But it's safe, and warm, and we've lived lots of life here.  I'm thankful for the blessing it is to have a home; something that not everyone can say they have.  I need to quit whining and be grateful.  So I am.

How about you?  What's topping your thankful list today?

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