
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Not our Plan B

Throughout my life, I've dreamed of several different career paths;  obstetrician, fashion designer, midwife, party planner, pastry chef, well-kept housewife (I'm still considering that last one...).  I have worked in retail, sales, administration, in-home childcare, and now - nursing.  Needless to say, I have never really known for sure what I wanted to be when I grew up; with one exception.

One of my most vivid childhood memories is playing "Interview" with my older sister.  The game essentially involved us using our micro cassette recorder (remember those??) to ask each other totally creative and in-depth questions like "what is your name" and "how old are you"

{Here we are being cute, telephone earrings and all...}

I remember one specific interview in which Nancy asked me how old I was.  I answered honestly "Four" and then immediately added "wait, wait, wait, Nancy, go back.  I want to be a mother"

I wanted to be a mom.  I still want to be a mom.  I've always wanted to be a mom.  It's one of the only things that's ever been for sure.


When I was almost 15 I was diagnosed with a genetic condition that makes pregnancy impossible.  Not unlikely, not difficult; impossible.  Never gonna happen.  No way, no how.  My body was not designed to do what "women are designed to do."  

Because of my medical condition Kain and I knew before we got married that someday we would adopt.  We didn't have a choice, but we also didn't need a choice.  We love the beautiful correlation between adoption and our relationship with Christ.  Through salvation we are adopted into the family of God.  We are given an identity as His child.  We call on Him as our Abba, Father.  

Adoption wasn't our Plan B.  Growing our family through adoption is what we want.  It's what we're working for.  We don't feel like we're settling for second best, or secretly wishing we could have "real children".  We are purposefully and intentionally moving toward our goal of adopting a child and welcoming him or her into our forever family.

If infertility is part of your story, I'm praying for you.  I know the longing.  I know the desperation.  I know how infertility makes you feel incomplete.  I've been the girl crying in the bathroom after ANOTHER friend announces a pregnancy.  My friend, you are not alone.  Wherever your path is leading, you have my prayers.  You have my support.  And you have a place with Christ.  Turn to Him.  Give Him your pain.  

If you need an ear, that's what this is all about!  Send me a message, leave me a comment, and let me travel with you!! 


  1. I just saw your blog posted on the Kelly's Korner Adoption link up. Congrats on starting your adoption journey! I wish you and your husband the best as you grow your family.

    1. Thank you Aarika, I appreciate your kind words!
      Xo Kate

  2. I too followed you through Kelly. I am an adoptive mother and I can tell you the journey is amazing!! Can't wait to read yours unfold. Blessings to you both!

    1. Thanks for reading, Kriss! It's great to be reminded that there's light at the end of the tunnel!
      Xo Kate

  3. I don't face infertility in the way that you do but I understand the longing for more children. I had very rough pregnancies and ended up getting my tubes tied after two because of safety concerns but I have always longed for a big family. We at some point in the future will turn towards adoption to grow our family so it will be nice to be able to follow along with your story while we wait for the right time to grow ours! I hope for all the best for you

    1. Stephanie, I'm so sorry for your struggles. I hope that our experience can help you in some way and if you ever need an ear - just shoot me a message!! Philippians 4:7
      Xo Kate

  4. I like sailboats, telephone earrings and you! You're totally going to bring home a baby someday, can't wait!! xoxoxox


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