
Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Here is a (mostly complete) list of the things we have done in the last 5 days

Submitted our application to our adoption agency

Heard back that we should expect our "Welcome Packet" either today or tomorrow

Contacted a bank to apply for a mortgage so we can buy a permanent and more baby-friendly family home

Spent hours preparing a profit-loss statement for Kain's business (since we don't have a 2013 tax return yet) to submit along with tax returns, W-2's, and pay stubs for aforementioned mortgage

Had a (second) family Christmas/reunion/surprise 60th anniversary party with Kain's family

Went to a baby shower for a dear friend 
(This one was just me, no boys allowed!!)

Started working with the students in our church on a Christmas program

Met with my family for some family planning 
(uh, not birth control - more like "What should we do about this?" "What's our plan for that?" )

Started our Christmas shopping

Went out to lunch with our friends and their sweet baby girl

Watched a cheesy Hallmark Channel Christmas movie

Sold Kain's car

Drove approximately 375 miles


Here are the things we have NOT done in the last 5 days:

Cleaned the house

Put away any laundry

Cooked a single meal

Stared lovingly into each other's eyes

Written any blog posts

I guess what I'm trying to say is -- I'm trying to keep up with everything, and just haven't had time this week to sit and think and write.  Especially since I'm living off fast food and granola bars.

Busyness is a curse of this life, and trying to do/have/see/be it all.  

I pretty much hate it.

I'll be back with something more relevant soon.  Till then -- what's keeping you busy these days??

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